Carbanak Malware Resurgence: Cybersecurity Perspective

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Key points

– November sees the notorious banking malware Carbanak rear its unholy head again in ransomware attacks, much to the collective ‘say what now’ of the cybersecurity world.
– NCC Group, a cybersecurity firm, played the ‘bad-news-teller’, providing the shocking revelation.
– For those who don’t know, the Terrible Trio, aka the Carbanak gang, was busted in the crime scene back in 2015 by Detective Kaspersky Lab.
– Fun fact to drop in your next Zoom call, the gang looted $300 million at minimum. Yeah, they weren’t sitting around eating donuts!

Hot Take on the Carbanak Comeback

Another One Bites the Dust… Or Does It?

Here we are again folks, watching Carbanak’s sophomore album drop, this time armed with ransomware hits and on a quest for more millions. Snatched the title of ‘Criminal Comeback of the Year’ right from the hands of 90s boy bands. What a journey it has been for the Carbanak gang, making a grand reappearance after their debut 6 years ago.

The Unsung Heroes or Whistleblowers?

As much as we’d love to turn a blind eye to malicious malware, kudos to the hawk-eyed folks at the NCC Group for spotting Carbanak’s second run in the wild. While it’s indeed a head-scratcher as to why these cyber critters are having a field day, it’s somewhat comforting to know that our cyber watchdogs are on their toes (or paws, if you will). However, just like you wouldn’t want your ex to return looking better than ever, we sure don’t want Carbanak 2.0 to have picked up any new tricks.

The Bottom Line of this Cyber Saga

As the famed Greek tragedian, Euripides said, “Among stupid people, to seem to know is to know.” Let’s not be those stupid people, eh? So, keep your eyes open, update your software religiously, don’t click on unlicensed pop-up ads, and remember – always listen to Detective Kaspersky.

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